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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes, 03/03/2010
Minutes of Meeting – March 3, 2010; meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.  
Present:  L Messana; D Trancynger; J McNinch; KR Flynn; RN Sandlin.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  There was an announcement made stating the need for Census workers, with an explanation that the rate is $14.50 per hour plus mileage, and that training will be available at the Town Hall for those interested.  The job can be full or part time, and can last anywhere from 8 weeks to a few months.

MOTION by KRF, seconded by DT to accept the Minutes of February 17 as presented.  5/0 vote.

Farmer’s Market:  Since this item was not officially on the agenda for the past meeting, the Board agreed to discuss the location for this year’s Farmer’s Market again, and to listen to input from the audience.  Lisa Berkel, interim director at the library, spoke against the market being located in the Reading Park.  She stated that not only will it cause congestion to the area, but an overuse of the buildings’ restroom facilities.  Many others spoke, with the main discussion centering around whether the market should be in the downtown area (Triangle Park or Reading Park) or on the outskirts at Orebed Park.  DT stated that she wanted to make sure that there was no animosity, and that everyone tried to work together.  JM stated that he would rather see the market at Orebed Field.  KRF felt that the market should stay in the downtown area, thinking that they should probably be at Triangle Park again this year.  She felt that Orebed Park is too far off the beaten path.  RNS stated that the Town needs to learn to deal with the congestion and that as long as a traffic officer was present, he felt that Triangle Park would be a good spot.  LM stated that she felt that it would be a safer spot at Orebed Field.  It was suggested that signs could be posted on the by-pass, directing traffic to the market if held in Orebed Field.  MOTION by RNS, seconded by DT to grant permission for the Farmer’s Market to be located at Triangle Park, with a traffic officer for all dates, with the hours of operation to be determined.  3/2 vote with JM and LM opposed.

MOTION by JM, seconded by RNS to appoint Nancy Armstrong to the Americans with Disabilities Act Commission.  5/0 vote

MOTION by RNS, seconded by JM to approve the consent agenda which included the following:  
Permission for The Lenox Loop race on April 10th; One-Day W&M license for St. Ann Church for March 20 from 6-11pm at the Parish Center.  5/0 vote.

Village Phase I and II Update:  Church Street lights are now up and operational, but there are still several punch list items that remain.  Phase II is currently out to bid.

Old/New Business:  RNS is working on having concerts in the park this summer.  KRF thanked LM for all her hard work in putting together the Church Street lighting ceremony.  She also mentioned that the article in The Berkshire Record stating that the Town was committing $100,000 to the Berkshire Visitor’s Center was totally incorrect.  LM announced that there will be an Easter Egg Hunt on April 3 at 11am in Lilac Park.  DT just wanted to remind everyone to remember the local merchants and utilize their services whenever possible.  Due to a schedule conflict, the next meeting scheduled for March 17 was rescheduled until March 24.

By roll call, LM, DT, KRF, RNS and JM voted to go into Executive Session at 8:30 p.m. to discuss union contract negotiations, and to not return to open session.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Assistant to Town Manager                              Board of Selectmen

Mary Ellen Deming
Town of Lenox
Town Hall - 6 Walker Street
Lenox, MA  01240
phone: (413) 637-5500
fax:      (413) 637-5518